UX/UI Metafors Smart Glasses

My graduation project took place at the Metal factory Metafors. This factory and is part of the company Amfors, and they provide work places for people who have trouble finding a job on the normal market because of disabilities or mental issues they have.

This also means some of the workers have trouble functioning on the desired level. For example in the warehouse of the factory, the numbers and locations of orders don’t add up. This is not only caused by the workers, but also the effect of a lack of planning and order which creates a lot of chaos. The Smart glasses can give the workers in the warehouse a bit more of a structure in managing orders and they get reminded and rewarded when needed.

For this project we use Smart Glass Epson Moverio BT-300. This model is connected to a small device that functions like an Android phone. It has a trackpad and a few buttons. The app made for this project is build in Unity and my design of the User Interface and Experience is already tested several times. One of the important outcomes is the fact that the trackpad is really distracting and difficult to control. this is why we changed the design of the app to only use the up-down-left-right and ‘enter’ button on the device.

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    Apps & web
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